A sustainable funding model for the WA wine industry

The strategic review of the WA wine industry undertaken in 2013-14 identified industry representation structure and adequately funded representation as critical to the future of success of our industry. The resulting industry stakeholder endorsed strategic plan provided a template for industry representation structure that is unified, focused, lean and influential.

The strategic review process also confirmed that industry supported the investigation of a secure funding model for industry representation and develop and requested that Wines of WA should undertake this process on their behalf.

The most suitable model identified was the Agricultural Produce Commission (APC), a State statutory body established to collect fees on behalf of industry participants to provide services for their industry. Wines of Western Australia has worked collaboratively with Regional Associations to develop an APC model for the WA wine industry. This model was developed through an extensive consultation process which started in July 2013 and concluded in August 2015. The resulting model was formally ratified by all nine Regional Associations on 31st July 2015.

The following link provides an overview of the APC and how it provides sustainable funding for the WA wine industry.

A postal poll of wine producers to determine support for the establishment of an APC Producers’ Committee for the WA wine industry was conducted in December 2015. The poll determined significant majority support for establishment of a producers’ committee. Based on this outcome and in conjunction with industry submissions in support of the initiative, the APC Board of Commissioners determined to establish an APC Producers’ Committee to collect fees for the provision of industry development services for WA wine producers.

A Producers’ Committee works with producers (defined as a person or business that will pay a fee for service on produce processed, in this case, grapes owned at the crusher) to determine what services should be provided to assist industry development. Services to producers will be provided by Wines of WA and Regional Associations as defined by the WA Wine Industry Strategic Plan 2014-24. The services to be provided will be determined through consultation with producers by these two levels of representation. From this process, annual operating plans and medium term strategic plans will be developed for approval by the Producers’ Committee.

The 2023-2024 Producers’ Committee has been selected by the APC Board of Commissioners, there are two spots remaining to be filled, if you are interested please contact Pippa Nielsen 0418 941 842. The current committee members are:

Name Business Name GI Phone Email
Pippa Nielsen Vineyard 28 Geographe 0427 614 610 [email protected]
ELoise Jarvis La Kooki Wines Margaret River [email protected]
Laura Penniment Alkoomi Great Southern 0458 877 734 [email protected]
Redmond Sweeny Snake and Herring Multi-regional 0419 487 427 [email protected]
Garth Cliff Vino Volta Swan Valley 0427 614 610 [email protected]